E14: I don’t know who to grieve first
After the sudden, back-to-back deaths of her mother and brother, a listener wonders how to grieve both of them at once.

E13: I just want to feel normal again
A newly bereaved sibling wonders whether life will ever feel good or carefree again.

E12: I still think they’re coming back
A grieving daughter can't shake the feeling that her dad is still alive.

E11: I don’t know how to go on
A series of pregnancy losses leaves a listener exhausted and depleted, wondering if it's worth it to "get back on the horse" and keep trying.

E10: My friend keeps trying to fix me
After a life-changing diagnosis, a letter-writer wants his friend to stop treating him like a project to be fixed or a puzzle to be solved.

E9: I’m grieving a dream I never even wanted
A woman discovers she's grieving a strange sort of loss—a dream that she never anticipated having to let go of.

E8: I'm afraid of forgetting my person
A listener is terrified that the passage of time will make them forget their aunt and cousin who died suddenly.