E35: My friend shamed me for grieving
An outraged letter-writer was recently insulted by a friend for taking time to tend to her grief over her father. When someone shames you for grieving, how do you respond?

E34: I miss having sex
A grieving husband misses the physical intimacy he shared with his wife, who recently died from cancer.

E33: I can’t move on from my best friend’s death
A listener is convinced they'll never have another friend like the one they lost. How do you keep living after your confidant and safety net dies?

E32: My loss made me lose all motivation to work
A "working stiff" feels uninterested in his job after several major losses in his life.

E31: I keep having awful grief dreams
Since her father's death from cancer, a grieving woman is tortured by recurring nightmares of his final days.

E30: My friend keeps comparing their loss to mine
A letter-writer is bothered by their friend's unsupportive actions and comments after the death of their cat.

E29: I expected grief to feel different
A recently bereaved father thought he would feel more after the death of his young son. Is he an emotionless monster? Or is something deeper going on?