E21: I need to cry, but I can’t
A grieving woman whose mother died is struggling to show emotion, especially around her adult daughter.
E20: I feel guilty for grieving well
After the death of her mother, a grieving woman wonders if she's allowed to be happy again.
E19: I don’t recognize myself anymore
A man mourning the death of his wife yearns to be the person he used to be while also struggling with who loss is forcing him to become.
E18: I’m terrified of future losses
Ever since the sudden death of their best friend, a letter-writer is constantly thinking about who will die next.
E17: My support system is fading
Six months after their grandmother's death, a listener's friends seem to be pulling away. They want to know if they should be more clear with their needs or find new friends to share their grief with.
E16: No one wants to remember my person with me
As the one year anniversary of their best friend's death approaches, a grieving graduate student worries that no one will honor her memory with them.
E15: I can’t feel my person with me
A young letter-writer feel disconnected from her best friend because she isn't receiving signs and symbols from her friend after her death.