E42: I’m angry at everyone who gets to grow old
A grieving son is resentful of everyone who appears to be his mother's age or other, angry that she didn't get the privilege of a long, happy life.
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Dear Grief Guide,
I'm sitting alone in an airport lounge, surrounded by people who look like they could be around my mom’s age. She’s gone, but here they are, laughing, chatting, and just living their lives. It feels so incredibly unfair.
I know it’s irrational, but I can’t help feeling angry—angry that they get to have this time and she doesn’t. It’s ridiculous to be mad at strangers for something they have no control over, but the bitterness and resentment is there all the same.
I’m mad at everyone who gets to live while she remains dead.
What do I do with these emotions? How do I stop myself from drowning in them?
Alone in the Crowd
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