E39: I’m grieving repeat abandonment
Overwhelmed by multiple, heart-shattering losses including childhood abuse, estrangement, and abandonment, a listener wonders where to begin the process of grieving.
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Dear Grief Guide,
I have so much grief to work on, I don’t even know where to begin.
I was abused as a child and both my parents abandoned me at different points in my life. My sister also ran away from home when I was 12 and we have been estranged since. Two years ago, my long-term partner broke up with me out of the blue after we vowed to spend the rest of our lives together. I couldn’t believe that I was being abandoned again.
To this day, I feel frozen and unable to connect with others. Could you please help me reframe my grief so that I can start living my life again?
Frozen in Disbelief
Ready to find your way after devastating loss? Check out my FREE workshop: Grow Through Grief: 3 Ways to Stop Feeling Stuck and Start Moving Forward.
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